Download South Korea Map – Republic of Korea Map – FREE Videohive

South Korea Map – Republic of Korea Map 24004039 Videohive – Free Download After Effects Templates

After Effects CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2016, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5 | No Plugin | 1920×1080 | 3 Mb

Perfect for Marketing Communication to create beautiful Corporate Set

Hi This is the South Korea Map Kit. It will add to your video a stylish animation of a Republic of Korea map for every taste.

The project contains absolutely all administrative divisions of the South Korea.

Images :

Free download here:  Images 1, Images 2, Images 3

Audio :

Download  Free Music Here

In addition, each province is configured individually.

Working with the template is easy, because the project contains 3 types of settings.

The first type of settings allows you to customize the colors of the map individually for your design.

The second type of settings adjust the position of geo-marks and routes on the map.

The third type of settings is to control camera movement over the map.

So you can come closer to any point with ease.

The project contains 7 pre-prepared scenes.

The template includes a collection of markers and images for maps.

So just download the template right now and add a map to your project. Thank You.

South Korea, officially the Republic of Korea (ROK), is a country in East Asia, constituting the southern part of the Korean Peninsula and sharing a land border with North Korea.

South Korea is made up of 17 first-tier administrative divisions: 6 metropolitan cities (gwangyeoksi), 1 special city (teukbyeolsi), 1 special autonomous city (teukbyeol-jachisi), and 9 provinces (do), including one special autonomous province (teukbyeol jachido). Seoul, Busan, Daegu, Incheon, Gwangju, Daejeon, Ulsan, Sejong Special Autonomous City, Gyeonggi-do, Gangwon-do, Chungcheongbuk-do, Chungcheongnam-do, Jeollabuk-do, Jeollanam-do, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Gyeongsangnam-do, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province

South Korea Map – Republic of Korea Map is a clean infographic template with an special text animations and clear transitioning effects is an geography created exclusively for you.

For beginners there are short PDF tutorial in tutorials folder which explain everything from start to finish (import asian content, composing korean scenes, using animation presets, Republic of Korea scene customization,using various objects such as: map intros, province typography, using geo media).

  • Easy to customise. Make your own geo video: change order, delete or add compositions, customise your time.
  • Detailed educational PDF tutorial
  • Easy to use color controls in each local scene
  • Used map photos are not included (CC0 License)
  • Works with country image or earth video
  • Universal expressions

South Korea Map – Republic of Korea Map — only available in this stock market place


South Korea Map – Republic of Korea Map include color controls selectors so you can quickly and easily change the color throughout the entire project

Many professional design graphic scenes and elements contains more than ten ready to use which can help you make your Korea infographic video on a professional level.

Suit perfectly for asian slideshow, korean company presentation etc. Show of your data on asian map

Support for South Korea Map – Republic of Korea Map:

24/7 item support if you have any complexity with this South Korea Map – Republic of Korea Map project feel free to contact us via profile E-mail form. we will answer to you as soon as possible.


South Korea Map – Republic of Korea Map is 100% animated? Each and every scene including the awesome premium color controls a fully responsive.

South Korea Map – Republic of Korea Map — only available in this stock market place


Music not included, but you can by it here:geo Music


Map photos in preview are not included. Search korean images


FREE! All demo font for this Great project easily install them with 1 click:free Stylish font by Google Fonts

Just edit the text description, photo, video and your geo-local advertising is ready.

Licence Agreements

Before buying please read the marketplace licence rules and FAQ about licenses. You can use the one-time purchase regular license to make multiple videos, but only for one channel, client, product, if you plan to use this template for commercial reason, you will need an extended license.

The workflow is very easy: import your country media, add your music, change marketing texts about Korea and change colors and press the render button!


Another marketing products which will help you create a corporate-based design and save your time:


Another successful products which will help you create a geo-based design and save your time:

Customization of continent scenes is as simple as possible. You can also create your own geography presentations and reuse them as many times you want.

South Korea Map – Republic of Korea Map — well organized template

South Korea Map – Republic of Korea Map template is highly recommended to use on: product showcases, titles, trailer promos, video productions, presentations, portfolios etc.