Download 555 Animated Icons – FREE Videohive

555 Animated Icons V12 5586340 Videohive – Free After Effects Template

After Effects Version CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5 | No Plugins | Resizable | 421 Mb


TheAnimated Iconsproject is aconsistent set of flat iconsdesigned to give life to any project it is added to. The design was guided byperfectionismandprecisionfor maximum user satisfaction.

Each icon has its owncustom build up animationand then itloops infinitely. Simply drag & drop the chosen icons into your project, set your colors and (optional) shadow by a few clicks and you are done! There is ageneral color schemeapplied to all icons, but you can make exceptions and setspecific colorsfor each icon. All icons includesound effects.

Images :

Free download here:  Images 1, Images 2, Images 3

Audio :

Download  Free Music Here

What you will get after the purchase

– theAE file(2 versions: CS5.5, CS6 – the project is compatible with all later versions as well, e.g. CC 2018);
logical and straightforward PDF tutorialwith clear sections;
– a folder with theaudio files.

The icons are grouped into 9 categories: 1. General, 2. Health / Sport, 3. Agriculture / Food / Industry, 4. IT / Internet, 5. Technology / Entertainment, 6. Travel / Vehicles, 7. Corporate, 8. Smileys and 9. Social.
A few examples included are Map, Atom, Earth, Key, Bicycle, Rocket, Vector Design, School Bag, Ambulance, Brain Activity, Microscope / Details, Apple, Yoga / Meditation, Tablet, Responsive Devices, Cloud Computing, Database, Server Park, Webcam, Headset, Businessman, Team, Boss, Network, Certificate, Strategy, Resume, Performance, Percentage, Business Card, Handsake, Currency, Award, SEO, Digital Security and a lot more.


The soundtracks are not included. You can find these great pieces on AudioJungle.