Download Energetic Music Video – FREE Videohive

After Effects CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2016, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6 | No Plugin | 1920×1080 | 229 MB

Glitches (glitch effects) and various visual effects.
Create your intro, opener or Music Video for your film, broadcast design or YouTube.
Easy to use. Just add your Images/Videos and change or disable Text.

Flexible effects control:

  • You can control any effects using keyframes in the timeline. At any time, you can set any effect with any duration. So you can sync with your music.
  • You can customize the auto mode. Random effects will appear automatically. But you can adjust the probability of the effects. So you can adjust dynamics of your video.
  • The template has a modular structure, so you can easily adjust the duration (maximum duration 5 minutes).

You can watch theVideo Tutorialbefore purchasing.Recommended!
Music is not included in the project, but you can purchase from AudioJungle

Fotages from the video preview are not included in the project.. Links to videos(Creative Commons License):
video 1,video 2,video 3,video 4,video 5,video 6,

If you have some questions or need my help, please contact me throughmy profile page