Download Explainer Video Toolkit | Toon City 4 – FREE Videohive

Explainer Video Toolkit | Toon City 4 20568754 Videohive – Free After Effects Templates

After Effects Version CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5 | No plugins | 1920×1080 | 168 MB

Toon City – the explainer video toolkit from Iron Network – helps businesses and creative professionals tell their stories through different animation characters and titles. Our ultimate explainer video toolkit comes with 350+ animated items and 1920×1080 resolution(characters are in 2000×2000 pixel). Toon city is fully customizable explainer video toolkit template specially designed for detailed explanation with smooth animation. In short, something phenomenal for graphical presentations, animation storytelling, and visual effects.Overview and features of explainer video script template:
Toon city is a smart explainer video toolkit template that comes with stylish modern hand gesture for 12+ mobile tablets.
Compatible with After effects CC 2017
Our premium after effects explainer video kit includes 80+ icons and elements which are fully customizable.
Explainer video after effects of Toon City includes expressive characters with automatic lip syncing
This Videohive explainer video toolkit has pre-animated backgrounds and pre-animated stories for quick understanding.
Explainer video toolkit template includes more than 350 animated elements including 50+ characters, 50 elements and much more.
Easy to use drag and drop feature makes Toon City a great explainer video toolkit for professional explainer videos.


Images :

Free download here:  Images 1, Images 2, Images 3

Audio :

Download  Free Music Here

Simple Drag-and-Drop Set Up
10 Male Characters
10 Female Characters
50+ Character Animation
10 Creative Background
50 Unique Elements
12 Hand With Device
10 Infographics Elements
2 Logo Reveals
50 Motion Shapes
14 Speech Bubbles
25 Titles Animation
58 Transitions <br25 FPS Project
No Plug-Ins Required
Completely Scalable – Resize Without Losing Quality
After Effects CS5.5 CS6, CC, CC2014, CC2015, cc2017
Detailed Video Tutorials
Preview Video, Images, Footages and Music are not part of the product.
Free font used in this project
You can buy music from here

Energetic Indie Rock