Download FotoForm – Geometric 3D Photo Animator – FREE Videohive

FotoForm – Procedural 4K 3D Photo Animator 17850213 Videohive – Free Download After Effects Templates

After Effects Version CC 2015, CC 2014 | No Plugin | 3840×2160 | 437 mb



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FotoForm is the world’s first geometric 3D Photo Animator.

Transform flat 2D photo layers into full 3D geometry, effortlessly. If you’re a video producer needing affordable b-roll in a hurry, FotoForm will transform your photos into timeline moments. If you’re a photographer struggling for attention in a busy space, why not reinvent your art into attention-grabbing 3D motion? Or perhaps you’re just a creative person who happens to take photos with a smartphone. FotoForm doesn’t just extend the life of your photos – it creates entirely new realms of immersion.

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Over 3,500 hours were dedicated to the proprietary process between a small team of people, all running inside what has become the most popular tool for modern motion graphics – Adobe After Effects. Creating video has never been so easy. Forget about the challenges normal video production entails: lighting, weather, recording, directing, timing. All you need is a photo to get started and FotoForm provides everything else.

FotoForm unleashes your creativity with the click of a button. Dictate the depth and complexity of any photo layer inside After Effects and produce your own 3 second video sequences in the simple step-by-step FotoForming system.

FotoForm has been tested in CC14 and CC15. While CS4, CS5, CS6 and CC12 were planned to be compatible originally, it became clear throughout development that these older versions didn’t quite have was needed to deliver on the full FotoForm experience.Regretfully, we can’t troubleshoot for these older versions of AE and invite you to consider updating. The last few AE updates to CC have made several big performance improvements for 3D work in After Effects, with a new C4D-based 3D renderer coming very soon, so if you’re doing anything other than 2D work I’d recommend the latest versions.

  • v1.0 [Sept, 2016] After a month in beta, we’re excited to release the official v1.0 of FotoForm!
  • v1.2.4 [Feb, 2017] Fotoform v1.0 uses the ray-traced renderer in After Effects which is high quality but slow. v1.2 introduces a second version of FotoForm built with the Classic 3D renderer which is 600% faster to use and render with. Default settings also updated to improve UX. During ‘camera selection’ in v1.0, only the BG layer could be seen, making it difficult to select camera for your layered artwork. The problem was FG layers were not enabled by default in ‘offset’ stage [after camera selection] in order to improve performance. All FG layers are now enabled by default making camera selection easy. Unused layers in your FotoForm composition can be actively disabled during ‘offset’, which you’ll want to do as performance can slow-down with all layers enabled. [See ‘Offset’ help overlay.] PhotoShop Help Overlay also updated to reflect changes in 2017 version of PhotoShop. [‘Refine Edge’ instruction changed to ’Select and Mask’ for Quick Selection Tool.] New video tutorials added to community forum.
  • v1.2.6 [Dec, 2017] FotoForm v1.2.6 brings the biggest speed update yet with the included ‘FotoForm Lite’, but that’s for a good reason. After hearing from customers about the need for more speed and simplicity, I’ve developed FotoForm Lite to skip the 3D tessellation stage. The speed boost is two-fold – one that users aren’t aware of, and one that they are. It’s not apparent to users but tessellation brings with it a whole load of post-processing in the background that bogs down development. The temporary white fuzziness [keyed out later] during the camera stage is a symptom of this. That’s a 3D projection key and it’s gone in the Lite version. And then there’s what users probably are aware of, and that’s what can be time consuming setups for 3D during the Tessellation stage with the ’T-Maps’. So who is FotoForm Lite for? It’s for people who want basic 2.5D only, without the complexity and time needed for 3D. (2.5D is flat 2D layers in 3D space.) Great for time-sensitive client projects for explainer videos, documentaries, studio/wedding packages, or anything else you can think of.