Download Kinetic Gallery – FREE Videohive

Kinetic Gallery 16692200 Videohive – Free Download After Effects Templates

After Effects CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2016, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5 | No Plugin | 1920×1080 | 16 Mb



Images :

Free download here:  Images 1, Images 2, Images 3

Audio :

Download  Free Music Here

This can be used for gallery, intro, trailer in any style, from clean and flat to grunge with some kinetic typography. Change styles with controls in few clicks.
Extremely easy customization! Just drag and drop your photos or videos.Main features:
– After effects cs5.5 project (compatible with all newer after effects versions)
No plugins required
– Total 25 placeholders
– Modular project, so just disable orduplicateany of 11 compositions
– Controls, for fast and easy project customization (color, textures, shadows etc.)
– Detailed help with all customization steps
– Audio track bysoundrollTrue Fun Makerin this project.
– Project is created in full HD 1920×1080 resolution in 24 frames per second. You can very easy change parameters and render your final video inany resolutionandany fpsyou want.
Help file is detailed for unexperienced after effects users, and it contains all required steps for customization.
Music description:

Fast, funky and groovy funny music with flute playing the main melody and brass / horns section stabs and hits. It is very energetic track with a lots of drum breaks, retro sounding piano and organs. Turntable / dj scratches was added to add to this catchy tune even more humor and agility. Really could be useful in so many applications and different media projects, such as TV advertising / commercials and TV show opener, birthday celebration, mobile games, animations, sitcom etc.