Download Virtual Reality 4K Logo Reveal – FREE Videohive

Virtual Reality 4K Logo Reveal 15500740 Videohive – Free Download After Effects Templates

After Effects Version CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5 | 3840×2160 | No Plugins | 941 MB

Virtual Reality 4K Logo RevealVR Glasses are very popular topic in todays digitalEntertainment Industry. After years finally this technology have a chance to be in every home multimedia center. ForGaming, film and hybrids of real life with virtual worlds are now possible. ThisFuturisticanimation is perfect for your logo or text.High Techlook with powerful audio design are the key of this motion. Reveal your logo or any content inVR Glasses Headset. Animation starts with LoadingDATA HUDwith your logo, then the particles show up in 3D spaceDistortedwith a little bit ofChromatic Aberration. In the final stage we seeMassive Impact BlastofShattered Glassand Dynamic strobo flashes in the glasses. We have here2 Versionswith different audio. There is still some room left for your creativity to make it moreUnique. You can put inside the glasses your graphic or video materials, for example: gameplay from your Call of Duty team, Highlights of your software app… VR Technology is knocking to our doors, products likeOculus Rift,Gear VRfrom Samsung, HTC Vive Helmet,Morpheusfrom SonyPlaystation4 and many more are in the race to dominate in this fresh Technology. You can also use your own background and play with color correction. Very interesting template for opening title for your film productions. Can be also use as jingle at your YouTube Tech / Gaming Channel. Impress your business clients with this dynamic animation all you have to do isDrag and Drop Your Logoand hit render. No plugins to run this project file. You can render it in 4K or FullHD.3840×2160 4K30 fps After EffectsCS5 / CS6 / CC. No plugins needed.Video Tutorialincluded. Music is not included you can buy it at AudioJungle Audio 1 here: 2 here:

Hikari-Pictures: Portfolio